

                               Nigeria 01.     About Nigeria 02.     Nigeria President   03.     Nigeria Capital City 04.     Nigeria Currency 05.     Geography of Nigeria 06.     Nigeria Climate  07.     Nigeria Population 08.     Nigeria Culture  09.     Nigeria Map 10.     Nigeria Flag 11.      Nigeria History 01. About Nigeria           Nigeria, Country located on the western coast of Africa. Nigeria has a diverse geography, with climates ranging from arid to humid equatorial. However, Nigeria's most diverse feature is its people. Hundreds of languages are spoken in the country, including Yoruba, Lgbo, Fula, Hausa, Edo, Ibibio, Tiv, And English. The countries has abundant natural resources, notable large deposits of petroleum and natural gas.       The national capital is Abuja, In the Federal Capital Territory, which was created by decree in 1976. Lagos, the former capital, retains its standing as the country's leading commercial and industrial city.  Modern Nigeria dates

How many Countries in Africa? / अफ़्रीका में कितने देश हैं?

                          Countries In Africa                                     54 There are 54 Countries in Africa today, according to the United Nations. The Full list is shown in the table below, with subregions (based on the United Nations Official statistics).         Sr. No.               Country Name                       Subregion            01.                    Nigeria                                 Western Africa            02.                    Ethiopia                                Eastern Africa            03.                    Egypt                                    Northern Africa            04.                    DR Congo                            Middle Africa            05.                    Tanzania                               Eastern Africa            06.                    South Africa                         Southern Africa            07.                    Kenya                                   Eastern Africa            08.                    Ugand

How many countries are there in the world / दुनिया में कितने देश हैं

     Countries in the World: 195 There are  195 countries  in the world today. This total comprises 193 countries that are  member states of the United Nations  and 2 countries that are non-member observer states: the  Holy See  and the  State of Palestine . Not on the list Not included in this total count of 195 countries are: Taiwan - the United Nations considers it represented by the People's Republic of China The Cook Islands and Niue, are both states in free association with New Zealand which are members of several UN specialized agencies and have been recognized "full treaty-making capacity", but are neither member states nor non-member observer states. Dependencies (or dependent territories, dependent areas, dependencies) and Areas of Special Sovereignty (autonomous territories) Other countries recognized by the United Nations as not being self-governing Where are they located? Of the 195 countries in the world: 54 countries are in Africa 48 in Asia 44 in Europe 33